Consider Slack App

Consider Slack App privileges and data

Scope of privileges

The Consider Slack App requests only the minimal set of privileges required to function. Here is a list of the privileges that are requested.

  • Retrieve the members (profiles) of the workspace
  • Retrieve the members (user ids) of a public channel
  • Receive a signal when a new user is added to the workspace
  • Open a direct message (DM) channel to a user
  • Read (commands) messages sent by the user on the DM channel
  • Write (create, edit, delete) messages to the DM channel
  • Receive messages that explicitly mention the Consider user (the Consider user must be a member of the channel)

Slack data

The Consider Slack App requests the profile data of the members of the Slack Workspace in order to facilitate the linking of Slack Workspace user accounts with Consider Workspace user accounts. The Slack profile data is managed in isolation of all other Consider data and is never used to contact any user outside of the Slack Application as per Slack data usage agreements. An example of the types of data that comprises a user profile is shown below.

  "color": RGB,
  "deleted": Boolean,
  "id": SlackUserId,
  "is_admin": Boolean,
  "is_app_user": Boolean,
  "is_bot": Boolean,
  "is_owner": Boolean,
  "is_primary_owner": Boolean,
  "is_restricted": Boolean,
  "is_ultra_restricted": Boolean,
  "name": String,
  "profile": {
    "avatar_hash": String,
    "email": Email,
    "first_name": String,
    "image_192": URL[Gravatar],
    "image_24": URL[Gravatar],
    "image_32": URL[Gravatar],
    "image_48": URL[Gravatar],
    "image_512": URL[Gravatar],
    "image_72": URL[Gravatar],
    "last_name": String,
    "real_name": String,
    "real_name_normalized": String,
    "status_expiration": Integer,
    "team": SlackTeamId
  "real_name": String,
  "team_id": SlackTeamId,
  "tz": Timezone,
  "tz_label": String,
  "tz_offset": Integer